The Truth About Amelia's Administration, etc.

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Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) Report

What Happened Last Year

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We Are Providing You This Service(LOL)

   On February 9th I submitted a public records request for some information concerning our Fire/EMS services. It appears just below.

   I had received a letter from the Village along with a copy of all the public requests that I had submitted and when I looked through the there were three that I had already received. The above being one of the three. So I took the three over to the administration building, gave them the three that were attached to the letter and told them that I had already received them and left.

   Today I get two letters in the mail. One is as follows the other is identical. In the business world we call this boiler-plate. The boiler-plate is next.

   In case you can't read it or zoom it it basically says that the village has reviewed my records and determined that I have previously submitted the request, note the dates, and that they are providing this notice as a service to me but if I want they will send them to me anyway!

   I have to be honest! I have been LOL(laughing out loud) since I got these letters and am still LOL. But it really isn't funny is it? The place across the street costs us close to 3 million a year and it isn't going to go down by much if we keep it either!

   Maybe tomorrow I will receive the third letter about what they did for me. Think I should thank them?

   One thing I know for sure and for certain if we dissolve the village we will no longer be paying for services like this!


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