The Truth About Amelia's Adminstration, etc.

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Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) Report

What Happened Last Year

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Ellington Considers Replacing The Adminstrator's Position!

   Well now we know why Ellington really, really, really, really, really wants us not to dissolve the Village!!! This is out of the Cincinnati.Com this morning, March 3rd, 2009:

   Since this would be the second time we have seen this in the last few years can we begin to call it Amelia Village Policy? I'm beginning to believe that a whole lot of people will be running for Mayor in the next election! A guarenteed grand plus bennies!!! WoW!!!

   I cannot for the life of me understand how anyone would want to keep this Village except perhaps the families of those who are over their! Any resemblance to what Ameila used to be is gone and we need to put this Adminstration in that same category!


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