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People Make Places, Places Do Not Make People!

Ullysses Grant
David Crocket
Alvin York
George Armstrong Custer
Reggie Jackson
Cyris McCormick
Thomas Jefferson
And thousands of others

   All were heroes. All were people that helped forge this country. All were born in unincorporated areas or places that are now census designated areas, or the place they are from is lost to history with any real certainty. To say that a history will be lost or somehow undone by changing the governmental status of the place in which it happened is absurd. If one whose profession it is to record and report on history, then one should know that once history is made, it is made. It does not change unless purposely revised, most often to fit some political agenda. It can not be said with any truth that someone will be lost from the history books if there is a change in the politics governing the associated geography. In fact, I would suggest that quite often, the reverse applies. Far more places are known for a person having come from it than people are known for having come from that place.

   I can not really think of a person or an event that fell away from notice or was in anyway effected by whether an area had a village council or a mayor. Honestly, this is one of those things that if you just stop for a moment and think about it, you see how silly the idea is. Just like thinking that the people of Amelia would lose their identity, it is based on false information. This kind of fear mongering should be beyond the pale for an person of learning and a student of history.

   Sumbitted by guest writer Douglas P. Mayhugh


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