The Truth About Amelia's Adminstration, etc.

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Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) Report

What Happened Last Year

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Molly Parker - "She Left The Front Of The Room And Stormed Over To Me Yelling And Screaming"

   I was not at last Tuesday's meeting but I did listen to the recording and I had a number of emails and phone calls that told me about this dreadful story. I found out who the victim was and made a telephone call to her and asked her if she would provide me with the truth of it as I always try to do in my line of work. Just below is the email that this brave lady sent to Ellington and that she shared with all of us so everyone would understand exactly what transpired.


According to Ellington he can do nothing about it. He works for the council not the other way around. So it appears that council has to do something about this situation. It has now been a week? Maybe that should be the first question asked, As far as I am concerned Molly Parker should resign in shame. It she does that then the incident is over. Unless of course the victim wants to look into filing assault charges against her. As for me I intend to ask council what they intend to do about it. Maybe they can't do a thing. Who knows? It seems like there are only people in charge when there are no problems to face but as soon as there is a problem it's someone else's problem. I for one am sick and tired of the way this Village operates! Win lose or draw come next Tuesday Parker should be removed from council and sent packing! What a despicable, horrible, reprehensible act! No decent person could possibly support this kind of behavior!


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