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Town Hall Style Meetings, Just Another Broken Promise!

   Sometimes I think that the "rulers" of the Village Administration think that all they have to do to satisfy we residents is just to make promises that they believe we want to hear and we will then just go away content that we were promised something we wanted.

   One of those broken promises came from Ellington. Read what he has to say on the Village website:

   “While campaigning in Amelia, I came to the realization that there is a disconnection between the residents of the village and village government. While I do not believe this is intentional, a problem does exist. As your Mayor, I will continue to come out into the community to meet our residents.

   - I plan to implement a series of town hall style meetings that I hope you will attend. “

   Well friends and neighbors I haven't heard of any "town hall style meetings being held for a long time. None in the Ellington era so I made a public reords request for any information, let me give you the exact wording on my request.

   "Public records of all town hall style meetings implemented by the Mayor as promised above."

   Above meaning the promise made by Ellington. Now don't get me wrong! I do agree 100% with Ellington that there is a disconnection between the residents of the village and the village.... I can't use the term government, lets call it bureaucracy.

   So what do I receive?

   I hope you can read that. If you want a copy just ask.

   Now those of you who often deal with the Administration know full well that if you ask them for something and they can't give it to you all you are going to see is "blame someone or something else", no reply at all or in this case a huge smoke screen that is meant to cover up the real answer. I would think by now that they have to know that I am not stupid but they still continue to treat me as if I were.

   Menz obviously thinks that I can't tell the difference between a "town hall style meeting" and the income tax issue meetings.


   Let me give it to you in their own words.

Record of Proceedings, Village of Amelia, 05/19/2008

Earnings Tax Meeting, Public Meeting

Mayor's Report To Council - 06/03/2008

Earnings Tax - Public Meeting

News Letter Title - no date

Future Town Hall Meetings & Public Meeting (the public meeting was about the tax issue, the Town Hall Meeting titled "Get Connected Amelia - Town Hall Meeting")

   Thats enough, there are more but as they say in court "I have proven my point". Since I received no public records taht I requested I sent the following reply to Menz.


   Mr. Menz

   In response to your letter February 24th, 2009.

   I requested public records of all town hall style meetings implemented by the Mayor as promised.

   I did not ask for minutes of a meeting stating that the public library was being reserved..

   I did not ask for Public Meeting information that had nothing to do with the Mayors promise.

   I did not ask for Press Releases concerning issues such as the income tax and are not related one iota to the promise the Mayor made to us.

   I did not ask for Mayor’s report to council which had nothing to do with the promise the Mayor made to us.

   I did not request some kind of unrelated meeting notes.

   I did not ask for a tentative agenda for a town meeting.

   I did not ask for a future reference to town hall meetings that were promised but apparently never happened.

   I did not ask for a letter of some sort to Michael announcing a town meeting.

   I did not ask for a press release for an unrelated Public meeting about the income tax which has nothing what so ever to do with the promise the Mayor made.

   I did not ask for a mark your calendar notice concerning two more public meetings concerning the income tax which are totally unrelated to the Mayor’s promise.

   I did not get yet another notice of the income tax meetings

   I did not ask for a Mayor’s report to council that had absolutely nothing to do with the request I made.

   I did not ask for a Mayor’s report with the only information on it concerning a town hall type meeting was to say he had started the first steps.

   I did not ask for an email to the Vaughn Family talking about the income tax.

   I did not ask for an email to William Sefton discussing the income tax issue.

   I did not ask for an email to ‘Joan m pol’ discussing the income tax issue.

   I did not ask for an email to Scott Rose discussing the income tax issue.

   I did not ask for an email from Nancy Gates that had absolutely nothing to do with the Mayor’s promise.

   I did not ask for an email from Robert Tasch discussing his personal feeling about the blowup at the tax meeting.

   I did not ask for another email from Nancy Gates concerning tax meeting.

   I did not ask for a Mayor’s report to council discussing one of the tax meetings that have absolutely nothing to do with the promise the Mayor made.

   I did not request any of the above but I did manage to get a three page document titled Record Of Proceedings, Village of Amelia, 04/07/2008 that contained a reference to a town hall meeting but it fails to say what, when and where so it proves nothing.

   What I asked for were records of all town hall style meetings implemented by the Mayor based on his words on the Amelia website and those were “I plan to implement a series of town hall style meetings that I hope you will attend.”

   So in other words I have not received a single page of information regarding town hall style meetings and I have no choice but to assume that there has not been a single one.

   Since you have not provided any records of any of these promised town hall style meetings I have no recourse but to post on the website that there were none. Just promises, no results. Should you come up with evidence to the contrary I will be glad to revise the posting.

   John M Toren

   So for the time being I have to say another promise broken but all these broken or unkept promises will go away with the dissolution of the Village!


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