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This is so tiresome but I have to keep reporting things like this, sorry. In the Record of Proceedings - Village of Amelia on January 19th, 2009 under "Council Input" Ellington says "I just wanted to make an observation. I got my tax bill in the mail recently and I noticed that mine was approximately $300.00 less that last year. I don't know if anyone else noticed that?" First what taxes? Federal income taxes? State income taxes? Local income taxes?" What taxes? Well I'm going to go out on a limb and guess property taxes! Now I am sick and tired of these shallow statements designed to make you think that "they" have provided you with something good! SICK AND TIRED! Ellington does NOTHING to show you why his taxes went down, NOTHING. There are things that can make your property taxes less such as applying for the Homestaed Act or a reassessment with a lower value? Instead we get "I just wanted to make an observation. I got my tax bill in the mail recently and I noticed that mine was approximately $300.00 less that last year. I don't know if anyone else noticed that?" Well then, once again using public records requests, we find Ellington sending this information to Barrett Brunsman, a reporter for a Cincinnati newspaper, and telling Barrett what to say in Barrett's article. Read it for yourself: Now since Ellington obviously knows that the property tax reduction was, in his own words see above first pink line, then he knew why but didn't bother to say this in his statement made to council which is sickening! Yes it was a shallow statement just as I described above. What else could you call it? Well maybe pathetic as well. The only other thing that occurs to me is he simply does not understand what his job really is! Does he actually think we are stupid enough to buy into this bull-tickie? An outcry to reduce property taxes, are you kidding me! He wasn't listening! The outcry didn't have anything to do with reducing property taxes. IT WAS AN OUTCRY TO DISSOLVE THE VILLAGE! Now if anybody buys this about an outcry to reduce property taxes they need to take a class in bottom line accounting! If you take it out of one place and put it in another place NOTHING CHANGES!!! It still costs you the same, you just pay a different person!!! You all know that! Don't be fooled by this pathetic shallow rhetoric! We really need to take this anchor off our backs and get rid if this kind of nonsense once an for all. We can do it by dissolving this Village NOW! __________________ |