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Am I happy about Marc Menz's resignation? Happy is not the word for it. I feel a relief more than anything else. A relief that it is one more person I can leave alone to live his life the best he can. A family that I don't have to hurt anymore. I will continue to pray for him and his family every day and I hope that he finds another job somewhere else and very soon. I hope that he receives enough money from the Village that can last him through this most difficult time. After all we are partly responsible for the situation he is in since we paid little or no attention to what Council was up to until it hurt our pocketbooks when the tax issue arose. If I can help him in anyway I will. It is time for all of us to remember that Marc and his family are our neighbors. I never knew Marc before August 11th, 2008 and as far as Marc the human being I still don’t know him. But please let us no longer think of Marc as being the Village Administrator and all the things we blamed him for but rather as our neighbor who may need our help in the trying times that lay ahead. And like good neighbors let us all, no matter which side of this issue we are on, help Marc and his family in anyway we possibly can. We are 4,000 strong and if we all pray to our Creators together as one the spirit and the energy that we together can generate will help Marc and his family more than you may realize. DO IT! __________________ |