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I have been trying since last September to get the Village website cleaned up and respectable. I need it! Other people need it! I don't care what side you are on in this struggle! A poor website makes us all look bad! Thanks to public records I have found another soul who understands the problem. This is somewhat of a selfish posting, sorry. I get feedbacks that are not very complimentary and some accuse me of being petty over such things and they are certainly entitled to their opinion. However, I found it refreshing to know that someone else was out there looking and was willing to stand up and tell the Administration they have a problem! A website defines to the world, not just Amelia, but the world! It is a declaration of who and what you are! I call the website webslop and perhaps this is a poor choice of words but in my defense I just started doing this in the 2009 version simply out of frustration. The Village officials have treated me more like an enemy than a citizens who is not afraid to hold them accountable yet at the same time offers suggestions that can help them! And not just a few either! If they would have listened to me they would be better off today than they are now and in this example Amelia would have had a better website! We all lose on this one. I have repeatedly said over many months that if we cannot maintain a proper website we should get rid of it! Dissolving the Village would certainly achieve this goal. The website issue alone is not justification for the dissolution but rather just another reason among many that add up to dissolution is a good idea! __________________ |