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It seems that I need to explain what feedbacks are to be used for. They are to be used for sending me opinions and corrections concerning what you are reading. Unless I recognize the person who is sending in the feedback I send a response asking the feedback author if they were indeed the one who sent me the feedback just to verify it is real. When I get confirmation that the feedback came from a real person and they confirm it by sending me a response then I begin dialog with that person. For the most part the feedbacks I receive on this website are just ranting, insults, foul language, accusations and just flat out lies most of which present nothing that is backed up by evidence. You would be surprised how many people defend the lies and deceptions that currently spew out of 44 W Main. I would still have dialog with these people because I believe they must be friends or family members of the folks at 44 W Main who are going to lose their jobs. So I don't blame them for the names they call me and the insults, etc. One other thing. I just received three feedbacks from a coward who calls itself "tired of bs". I do not respond to those who are too cowardly to put their name on their own version of something that comes out of the rectum of a bull! I do not publish any foul language. So if you want to use feedbacks then identify yourself! If you want have dialog with me then provide me with an email address. If I send you a verification then return it as a reply. Melita Ellington sent me proper feedbacks and I responded. There was one other feedback from my opposition who failed to prove his case and actually told me that he had come to believe that what he had accused me of is something he probably had heard from someone else and asked me if I would just let it go and not publish it. I honored his request. All the other feedbacks had valid email adresses but either refused to verify themselves or just decided not to debate with me. The exception is the coward known as "tired of bs". So unless you want to be totally ignored as "tired ot bs" is and you are serious about your convictions don't waste you time insulting me, calling me names or using foul language to make some point. What happens is I hit the delete icon and you are sent exactly where you belong! __________________ |