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This really started out as a simple straight forward yes or no answer question that Ellington makes a shallow try at putting points on his vanishing scoreboard! I was looking at the Village website which is as full of holes as a good swiss cheese and I came across something on the Police Department page. See below: ![]() We have all learned over the past 8 months or so that just because the Village website says it that it is not necessarily true so I wondered if the Union Township Fire/EMS Department designated our Police Department as "First Responders". Seemed simple enough to me! So I sent Ellington the following email: ![]() Now this seems straight foward to me and I expected either YES the Amelia Police Department as designated by... or NO the Amelia Police Department was not designated by.... But that's not the answer I received. Next up is Ellington's answer: ![]() Now in case you forgot my question as Ellington perhaps did I will repeat it: "Is the Amelia Polcie Department designated at first responder by the Union Township Fire/EMS Department?" Did I ask if "All Amelia Police Officers have been trained by UTFD as First Responders". NO! I really don't know but I will ask them and report on that later! Do I belive Ellington? Of course not! That's why I intend to check! Did I ask if the "Amelia Police & UTFD are dispatched simultaneously". NO! And we know they are not always dispatched simultaneously unless Ellington knows more than the Village Police Chief! Did I ask if "UTFD has provided Amelia with A.E.D. Units for patrol cars (Automatic External Defibrillator) and First Aid Kits" NO! And of course they are under contract to do so and they have met this part of their contract. Does Ellington even know anything about our largest contract, millions! Apparently not! Show of hands of anybody who sees the answer to my question. No hands, hmmmmm. What you are seeing is Ellington at his best. Verbiage meant to illustrate what a excellent job his Administration is doing but no answer to the question! Zip, zero , none! Not a single thing he said was relative th the question! So I emailed him back: ![]() The first thing I did was to take him to task for making what I deemed to be a falsehood! "Amelia Police & UTFD are dispatched simultaneously" I could not find anywhere on the 911 tape where any communications were made between the 911 operator and the Amelia Police! There is nothing on the 911 call summary from the Union Township Fire/EMS Department indicating a call was made to the Amelia Police. Even the Amelia Police say they didn't get a call. The Amelia Police claim they got a call back in 2005 but that is about as accurate as the rest of what you see below because there was no call in 2005 from either 25 or 27 W Main Street! And just in case you want to see how much the next email stinks click here but get ready to hold your nose until you get back. Then I repeated the question. ![]() Same simple question! Below is what I received back: ![]() Now even I have to admit this is the King Of Deceipt we are working with here. Ellington once again really did not answer the question, or did he? In a manner of speaking he did because he states "UTFD was very gracious and saw the benefit to our residents and took the matter a step further by providing training and equipment, which is not something they are obligated to do." and if they were designated as first responders I believe they would have to have certification. As long as we are on the subject Ellington apparently does not know much about the UT Fire/EMS contract either. UTFD is not being gracious at all. They are living up to their contract! Next up is taken from Exhibit A, a part of the contract with UTFD. Does this qualify as training and equipment? ![]() Another lie or just ignorance of the contract? You tell me! Now if Ellington had told us some specific actions UTFD had graciously given us I might post them provided I could verify them. I believe nothing that Ellington says unless I can verify it! Nothing! However, Ellington did provide me with another possiblility! HE DOSEN'T KNOW! What was I thinking? The man in charge of the Police Department didn't know the answer to the question? Ok! So at least I can forget Ellington and move on, right? But before I do PLEASE UNDERSTAND THIS!!! I have verified quite a few of the listed services provided by the UTFD. You can see the check marks and pink lineover. I could not find anything that UTFD had contracted to do on this page that they did not do and in my opinion they did their job well in the ones I checked. VERY WELL! About moving on. Well I replied to Ellington with the following email: ![]() I was not expecting anything more from Ellington but a little leter I get this response from him: ![]() Sorry folks, I just have a hard time understanding people like Ellington. I think somehow that he must believe that every word that comes out of his mouth is a fact. It dosen't seem to matter at all to Ellington when you point out real facts to him as I did often in this series of emails. He is still insisting on facts that do not exist! He never answered the question at all yet he says he did twice! Some of the information he gave was certainly not factual! It was pointed out quite clearly to him! Then he has the gall to say "I apologize if it is not the answer you are looking for, however, it remains the true and correct answer." Are you kidding me! "true and correct" He never answers the question! I guess that's the Ellington version of true and correct! Then he tells me to go to UTFD for the answer! Click here to read that. And then he tells me he apologizes for not giving me the answer I was looking for!!! He is sorry all right, no doubt about that. Well there was one guy who got it right the first time. Click here to take a look. I know what we need to do with the likes of Ellington. Get rid of him! There is an easy way for you to help do this. Just click here and we can make it happen. If you don't want to get him removed this way then show up and vote YES to Issue 1 on May 5th and we don't have to put up with this hogwash any more. __________________ |
Chief Sucher, the guy who got it right the first time! Below are just 2 emails and I had a proper answer. ![]() ![]() Now don't go getting on my back about letting Chief Sucher say some "stuff he was proud of" because I invited him to say what ever he wanted to say AS LONG AS HE GAVE ME AN ANSWER! I believe Chief Sucher knew that I would post it because I am a man of my word. Not only that but he has every right to BE PROUD of the work he and his department have accomplished! Cudos to them all! However it was not the answer I thought I would get which would be a yes or a no because I frankly thought Chief Sucher and Ellington both would know the answer. And I am not trying to imply anything bad about either of them not being able to answer the question because I got an answer that made perfect sense! If you don't know point me in the right direction. And it does not obviate the fact that we are in an archaic form of government that is simply an excess layer that we do not need nor should we be governed by the likes of Ellington and his group. Ellington wouldn't know the truth if he tripped over it. So yes Chief Sucher and his Officers have done some good things but the Townships also have fine Police Departments and Sheriff Departments as well. __________________ |
Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) Report What Happened Last Year Submit Feedback Home |
I had essentially sent him the same question and his first response was similar to Ellington's so I am just going to skip to the end. The next email was my second try. ![]() Here is his response to my second try: ![]() This is an acceptable answer. I just wished I would have asked Assistant Chief Auffart first and saved myself all this trouble with Ellington. I am not even going to bother responding to Ellington's last rediculous reply. What good would it do any of us to hear more of the same! __________________ |