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I have and endless amount of bad news for you and I am now just picking by random out of the hundreds of articles I have notes on. The bad news here is that we need to go back to the threat letter of August 11th, 2008. Next up is the section of the threat letter I am going to write about. We have been over thss section before and I could never get them to tell the truth so I made the same public records request as I did for the Rumpke non existant debt which after almost 2 months I still have no answer for. Basically I did the same thing as I am doing here. I submitted a public records request asking for proof of the $600,000 Runpke Debt, now known as the $600,000.00 lie and I HAVE RECEIVED NOTHING NOT EVEN A "WE DON'T HAVE PROOF"! Zip, zero, nothing. I did however receive a response concerning the Union Township contract. So next up is the response from my public records request: If you go back to the threat letter you will see that the calculations made on the public records request are according to the formula that was stated in the threat letter. Now those numbers are nowhere near what we are paying Union Township Fire/EMS Department by any set of standards. One only has to look at the levy amounts to see they are way off. This was just someones imagination going wild in order to frighten the reader. Then the next excuse shown by the arrow on the public records request response states that the Village has agreed to pay a flat amount! This must be one of those "oral" jobbies because I can't seem to find a flat amount in the contract which appears just below: Can anyone find in this "Cost of Agreement" anything even coming close to a "flat amount"? No! This was a falsehood to begin with and continues to be till this day. NO RETRACTIONS OR CORRECTIONS HAVE EVER BEEN MADE BY THIS ADMINISTRATION! How in the world can anyone want to keep this Village when it has dropped to an all time low as far as character is concerned? Voting YES on Issue 1 is a sure way to see that we never have to worry about this again! DO IT on May 5th! __________________ |