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While doing my work last night and this morning I had gone the the Village website probably 5 or 6 times and one thing I did notice was that the letter from Pam Barker and the UTFD defense letter had been moved down to second place and could no longer be seen since the Clean and Green Spring Litter Pickup had been posted at the top. I thought to myself "I wonder how long that will last?" I found out at 7:25 Am when I checked my email and one of my friends had emailed me and told me that they couldn't get into the Village website. I went to look within a few minutes of reading my friends email and the site came up but low and behold Pam's letter and the UTFD defense letter were no longer hidden by the Cleanup but had been PUT BACK ON TOP! Now I have talked about this a number of times and I am going to put the articles I have already written below so you can read what was previously written. Just click on the one you want and the article will be presented. Would Barker Actually Want To Put Someone In Danger? Toren's Letter, Part I. Totally Ignored To Make Them Look Good! Toren's Letter, Part II. Totally Ignored To Make Them Look Good! Barker's Response To The Letter On Village Website There is no doubt in my mind that they will find a way to get lower into their world than they are in right now but to try to destroy the reputation of an honorable person that I know Pam Barker to be is currently as low as it gets and when they look up from where they are at they will see nothing but rats! They make me sick to my stomach! How can anyone stand these people? May 5th is our chance to show them what we think of them and their shallowness! Vote YES on Issue 1 and never look back! __________________ |