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Mr. Campbell has sent in a number of feedbacks so I am dedicating this page to him with all his feedbacks and my responses. The page he is referring to will be linked just below each feedback so If you want to read what he is referring to just click on the title line. ![]() Red Light Running, The Most Ridiculous Police Department Statistic! You are welcome to send anything in on a feedback and I will try my best to give you a response as long as I can identify you and you did not use foul language. I must say that your feedback and others like this always befuddle me. What I need to know is do you intend, as a member of Council, to try to do anything about this ridiculous statistic! Are you going to tell the Mayor to shape up and provide us more protection on Main Street? Instead of asking me if I think it will be better are you going to ask Chief Sucher why it is that only 30 citations were given out over the course of a YEAR? Yes I do believe these stats will change. Not only that but I firmly believe that traffic control on Main Street will be much better. Main Street patrolling as far as I am concerned is non existant, except for the recent "political positioning". I have stated in the past many times that I see Pierce Township Police and the Country Sheriffs much more than I see Amelia Police. I do not think we use our resources in a wise manner. An example of this is the device that I think we have or we used to have that tells people what the speed limit is and how fast they are going. I have only seen it once on Main Street! It should be a permanent fixture on Main Street, the busiest and most uncontrolled street in Amelia when you consider the traffic. I don't know for sure who will have jurisdiction over Main Street but I think it will be ODOT. As far as the Police are concerned anyway you want to look at it whether it be Pierce or Batavia Township, the County Sheriff's Department, the State Police or a combination of any and all of them all these organizations have a great deal more experience dealing with roads like SR125 than do the Amelia Police Department and I do believe that we will see such things as the flashing lights warning people that the light is turning red, etc. I would much rather see this type of action instead of things like Bike Patrol. ![]() The Mayor, Chief Sucher and all the you in the Council think it's far more important to have Bike Patrol then to try to insure that the citizens of Amelia can walk the streets safely! I think the above email proves my point beyond a shadow of a doubt and I believe whole heartedly that this is nothing more than Ellington's "political positioning". How important is Bike Patroling? I asked for public records of all Bike Patrols and I was told by Chief Sucher that there were none. I also have a copy of every Police Daily Report for 2008 and as far as I can tell there were no daily reports for Bike Patrol. So if it isn't important enough for a daily report and we have no records of any past scheduling what does that mean in terms of importance? Again, yes I believe that Main Street will be much better handled by who ever will take over and we won't be wasting our resources on things like Bike Patrols! ![]() Senior Visitation Services, Compliments Of The Clermont County Sheriffs The Townships and the County have a number of services like this and I would not have known about them except that I had to research the County and the Townships in order to show people what Ellington and his crew were deceiving people about. ![]() Clermont County Sheriff's Department - Disbanding Of Amelia, Preliminary Report I too think it is a valuable document but to me it is not important enough to be classified as that important. Thanks for the suggestion and just because I am not going to chnage this please keep making these suggestions because I can and do accept some and make changes that I agree need to be made. ![]() Clermont County's Special Response Team, Good To Have Such A Powerful Service Seldom if ever does Ellington and you council members ever say anything good about anyone else but yourselves. If you have some examples please send them to me. I will be greatly interested. Ellington himself lives on "political positioning" and he actually has the gall to blame others for doing! So I find it necessary to try to show the residents of Amelia that all good things do not emanate from 44 W Main. In fact not many at all.! So let's not kid each other! I will be 68 in a couple of months! I am a diabetic and my health is not the greatest. If we manage to rid ourselves of the useless Village level of government you will in all likelyhood never hear from me again. Did you know me before this started back in September of 2008? My guess is no! I have lived here 44 years now and have you ever heard of me! My guess is no! This website will be gone and the expense will go back in my pocketbook. My civic contribution consists of working my buns off and spending a great deal of what time I have left in providing the residents of Amelia with the TRUTH about what goes on over at 44 W Main. I pray they will listen to me and will vote to get rid of you and your Administration. But should they not I will at least feel that I tried my best to show them how bad you and your Administration really are. That is my civic contribution! I will not be governed by liars! __________________ |