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I received an email from someone who had obviously read about the issue of the retention pond down at Sedona Ridge and they sent me the information that appears later. I had done enough research to know how polluted these ponds can be and frankly it was a little frightening. I know I sure would not let my grandkids near one for recreational purposes no matter how well it was taken care of. I viewed the advertising that was presented to potential buyers as a fraud and I also hold the Village Administration accountable as well for allowing this to take place. Below is what I received in my email: "Retention ponds are used to contain the flow of runoff. This is a great thing over all because it can cut down the amount of water flooding into streets and basements and helps to keep from overtaxing the storm sewers. The problem is that since they catch the runoff water, they also catch all of the things that the rain water flows over. Pesticides, animal fecal matter, fertilizers, compost bacteria and heavy metal and chemical pollutants from cars can be washed into them. Because of this it is important to treat them as you would any other body of water that you suspect may be polluted. It should be tested and maintained by professionals. It can look nice and be well landscaped and become a nice haven for birds and frogs and turtles. But they will need something to eat, so nature will supply things like mosquitoes. As long as the retention pond is cared for and is clean enough for a healthy mix of the other animals to feed on the bugs, there should not be too much of a problem. Because of the amount of things that can end up in them, they probably shouldn’t be used for recreational purposes. I wouldn’t swim in it or fish in it." It is good to know that there are citizens out there that care enough to try and let you know about things you are having doubts about. Your Village Administration sure dosen't! They tried to keep you in the dark about this! They didn't care about what the pond was and how it should be managed! They only wanted you to buy your house here so they could collect your tax money! You should be mad! Mad enough to send them all packing on May 5th! Vote YES on Issue 1 and make it happen! __________________ |