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I am really confused on some of the issues in Solictior Abrams response to Pam Barkers letter. Since you chose to display it at the top of the News section of the Village website I assume that you want us to read it and as you well know when things like this are read questions and issues will arise. One of these issues is on the first page of the UT defense letter. It states "and the Village determines that the alteration was a material breach of the Fire Agreement. it must, according to the terms of the Fire Agreement, arbitrate the matter through the American Arbitration Association." Well the agreement, contract, ordinance or what ever you want to call it contains no reference to the American Arbitration Association. None. So could someone tell us exactly what the American Arbitration Association is and how they got involved in this issue since they appear nowhere in the contract, agreement or ordinance? And lastly do we have to use them or is it possible to chose someone else since they are not named in th contract? I submitted this question via the following email: I will post all relevant reponses if and when I receive them. That tells us a lot about who and why we are dealing with the American Arbitration Association. Thanks to Solicitor Abrams for providing us this detail. __________________ |