The Truth About Amelia's Adminstration, etc.

Dissolve Amelia website!

Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) Report

What Happened Last Year

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Children Used As Political Couriers By "Rogue Employee"

   For some reason people must still think that Curt Hartman is my lawyer of that I belong to the Dissolve Amelia Committee because I received a phone call from Curt Hartman about the letter I sent to both the Board of Education and the Principal of Amelia Elementary. Click here to read. I don't know how the superintendent got involved since I didn't send him anything but I suppose that either a Board member or the principal at Amelia Elementary informed him. I also do not know why he contacted Curt unless he thought I was on the Dissolve Amelia Now committee. So I sent him the following email:

   Now don't start sending me feedbacks about me sending threats and the such and don't start telling me that I am hurting the schools either. I am voting for their levy! But I am getting frustrated by the fact that I am being ignored for some reason by almost everyone. I just want the truth and I am doing my best to get it! CURT HARTMAN IS NOT MY LAWYER AND HE DOES NOT REPRESENT ME!!! I need to do something to get people's attention! It may sound a bit harsh but if it get's their attention and I get the answers it will be worth it! I don't care whose side you are on! Whether you know it or not I work for all Amelians not just those who want to dissolve. Whether you chose to believe what I write is up to you! If you are willing to put up with what exists at 44 W Main it's is up to you! Now they have somehow involved your children! If you don't care about I can't help it. But I will get to the truth! The rest is up to you!


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