The Truth About Amelia's Adminstration, etc.

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Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) Report

What Happened Last Year

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Union Township Staffing Levels Fall More In The First Quarter

   Anyone can obtain the records of these statistics by requesting public records for the staffing of the Union Township Fire Deoartment by simply submitting the request to the Village. So if you need proof that is how you would obtain it. That's how I got it. There are just too many pages for me to post.

   By contract our staffing levels should be 4 Fire/EMS personnel on duty 24/7. In 2008 the staffing level was 2.81 per day. So far in the first quarter of 2009 this has dropped to 2.57. At this rate by the time the contract has been paid there won't be anybody staffing the station!

   We are owed this by contract!!!

   I pointed this out to Ellington and the Village Solicitor. Ellington just says he is satisfied with the service, he would not want any other people to serve his family, if it ever gets serious he will see to it that it is handled, blah ba blah blah!

   What I want to know is what is it going to take to get this situation fixed! Is someone going to have to die? Is someone's house going to have to burn to the ground? What exactly is it going to take for our irresponsible mayor and his council to DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT BESIDES BLOW SMOKE!!!

   Let's either get a Fire Department who will live up to their promises to us or better yet let's get rid of the cause of the problem in the first place. Get out there and vote YES on issue 1!


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