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You can substitute "The moon is made of green cheese so therefore " for "Contrary to proponent's claims," and it would make as much sense as it does now. Take about 15 seconds and look at this utterly ridiculous web page! Try not to laugh too hard while you read the nonsense that is on it. You might hurt yourself. I am having a hard time even typing this so be careful! ![]() ![]() Keep in mind that this whole website is produced by a PAC. A PAC is short for "political action committee". The purpose of a PAC is to influence the outcome of an election. This is the same as the PAC's you know and love that run Washington and we all know what they do! No different here. Now not all PACs are bad. It depends on who is running them and how they operate. What's wrong with this silly website page? It's mirror images the Village and how they operate at 44 W Main. DO NOT GIVE FACTS JUST SPEW OUT PROPAGANDA THAT MAKES US LOOK GOOD! What taxes are they talking about? Maybe they are talking about the same thing that Ellington keeps talking about. In CityBeat, April 22nd just one day after the "town hall" meeting Ellington says "While I think an earning tax is still the best way for the village to plan for future growth..". Is that the tax they are talking about? How about the proponents? You can spew out anything you want but why can't anyone involved give us some facts? This is right out of the Ellington book of political positioning. In a recent council meeting he got up and said something to the effect that he had received emails telling him that the people gathering signatures were telling the people lies! He made a big deal out of it! Through a public records request I got all those emails he was talking about. All 2 of them! Not only that but one of them was hearsay about hearsay. "I was told by a neighbor whose grandmother told her that the son of her best friend said that the petition person blah blah blah blah. The kind of stuff that I throw out even if it is for dissolution. The second one I took seriously. I made attempts to have the person identified and I never received a word back from the person who accused us of wrong doing! So I ask you who are the proponents who are stating that this issue will raise taxes? WHO? As for myself I've probably said as much if not more than anyone in this dispute and I have never claimed it! I can't remember any of the hundreds of people I have talked to over the last 10 months ever claiming anything like this. It must be a figment of their imagination. That appears to happen a lot over at 44 W as well as with the people who support them. Maybe they had a typo? I know that has happened before with Ellington! Maybe they meant opponents? Who knows? The one thing I do know is that this is what is known as propaganda, nothing more, nothing less! It should simply be ignored. Below is a recent feedback. As a village resident I only hope and pray that individuals wake up and realize what's going on and vote to dissolve the village. Listening to this meeting makes me sick to stomach. I am so sick and tired of being fed lies. Attending council meetings goes no where, because the village makes it clear they'll do as they please. I would like to know how those in support of simply state to vote no because it's not a tax issue! Once again, Ellington sounds like a broken record player spinning in circles and never truly answering a question. On one hand he states the income tax could happen because they're "re-evaluating", but then again he's not in favor of an income tax. So basically he may as well say, if we don't dissolve the village you WILL be taxed a 1% income levy. I could go on forever, however I hope that our village will dissolve and nonsense such as this will be eliminated. I couldn't have put it any better myself. The keep website is what you call pathetic! They must be getting desperate! Why on earth do they think we want to dissolve the village? Do they believe that we all woke up one morning and said "what a nice day out and I have nothing to do today so I think i'll try to dissolve the village!" They must think we are stupid. I know this web page is stupid. This dissolution effort came about because of hundreds of reasons including lies, deceptions, dishonorable acts, incompetance, cover ups , egos, arrogance, unwillingnes to communicate, lack of accountibility and dozens of other reasons and NOT BECAUSE WE JUST WANTED TO DISSOLVE THE VILLAGE!!! That's one of the dumbest things I have ever heard in my life and it is a pattern in this PROPAGANDA website and nothing here should be taken seriously. Don't get me wrong. These people have a right to do what ever they want on this website no matter how stupid it is and it only gives us more reasons to dissolve this Village now by voting yes on issue 1 and sending PACs like this one packing along side the Village!!! __________________ |