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I know your going to think I am crazy but I do want you to visit their website, read everything on it and then come back for some truth. You see eveything they do is a gold mine of lies, deceptions, stupidity, et al. Now when I say they I mean both the Village and the Keep Amelia PAC. This web site is the mother lode so to speak. so please, please go to their web site take a look and come back here. Now I want to tell you about my problem here. There are so many lies and so little time. I already spent the better part of yesterday going over some silly lies. There are three articles just in front of this one on the home page and what will follow are the exposure to all the lies and deceptions on just one other page. These other articles will be short and sweet because I only have time today. There is another gold mine on the Village website. The 38 pages that Ellington was bragging about at last weeks town meeting. There are some important questions that I am going to take to the meeting this coming week and I need today and tomorrew to prepare them. So this will have to be enough for a while. Just one more thing before you go. Notice that there is no way to talk to these people unless you want to give them a recommendation. This website that you are on provides feedback to all residents not just those for dissolution. I get some really good feedbacks from both sides and respond to all of them. Unfortunately the majority of the oppositions feedbacks are from cowards who don't want to tell me their real name or give me a valid email address. They are usually nasty, use foul language a lot and just in general want to try to intimidate me. None of this works. Where my mistakes have been pointed out I made corrections and where apologies were necessary I made them also. The website is afraid to do this I am not. They also request money! I do not! I pay for all this out of my family's own pocket. I clearly identify by color code when I am stating an opinion rather than try to tell you what I am saying is a fact. does not do that nor do they want to because they want you to believe their lies. I provide proof for I hope all of the articles I have written. Emails, newspaper articles, recordings, ordinances, meeting minutes. I try my best to show you the facts. As far as I can tell there isn't one single piece of proof in all the garbage that is on Well, maybe their plea for money is proof that they need money but I am really referring to the issues. The way I work you can always call me for it and send me your opinion. I respond to EVERY feedback, good bad or indifferent. I ask you now who should you believe? __________________ |