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Behavior typical of the Ellington and the Village Administration. This information was taken from WHY IS ISSUE ONE ON THE BALLOT so if you want to view it just click this line but please come back for the truth. If you have the right setup you can just minimize it so that you can refer to it as you read the truth. "Sadly, a handful of citizens (one of their leaders resides outside the Village of Amelia!) seized this opportunity to circulate petitions to dissolve Amelia. A number of petitioners enticed their petition signers by purporting that a village dissolution would prevent a proposed tax increase. Although the threat of a tax increase no longer exists, some proponents continue to disseminate misleading information which states or implies that Issue One is a tax increase when in fact, it is not. Curiously, the very issue that caused the proponents’ emotional knee-jerk reaction to dissolve Amelia simply no longer exists – yet their rhetoric persists. You know what's sad? It's sad that there are people in Amelia that can lie like this! It's sad that there are people in Amelia that believe such liars! It's sad that there are people in Amelia that tolerate the behavior of their Administration! It's sad that we have such a disgraceful government! And it sad that we have hypocrites like who ever wrote this garbage. Let's talk about the hypocrites for a minute. "(one of their leaders resides outside the Village of Amelia) If you happen to be talking about Curt Hartman that's right. But at least Curt is from the Amelia area and graduated from Amelia High School. He happens to be a lawyer. I understand that Curt is advising the Dissolve Amelia Group pro bono, In case your to illiterate to understand that pro bona means free of charge, a volunteer. He saw a just cause and was willing to help. I suppose that you didn't realize that the Village Solicitor, Laura Abrams, is not from Amelia either. She works in downtown Cincinnati and I don't know where she lives and I wouldn't tell you anyway. Nor does Solicitor Abrams work for free either. Her rate to Amelia is $120.00 and hour. I know that she made almost 80 grand last year and you know what that means to me? It means that the Village Administration has no idea of what they are doing and they need her desperately in order to function! This page of swill just means that who ever wrote it saw a massive number of lies and did nothing about it except publish it. You can't even call it spin! IT'S LIES! to bring Curt into this equation because he does not live in Amelia is as hypocritical as it gets! Now to get to some of the lies. Your use of words is sickening. "A number of petitioners enticed their petition signers by purporting that a village dissolution would prevent a proposed tax increase." Enticed, gag me with a spoon! You must be talking about the income tax because you refer to this increase as the income/earnings tax since you state that the threat of it no longer exists. The fact is that it is without a doubt the only way we can insure that we are not imposed a tax. Why in the world do you keep telling the same stupid lie over and over. Council can pass that tax anytime they want! Are you stupid! Until there is no council there will always be a threat of the income/earnings tax! If the petitioners enticed any one by telling them that if we dissolve the Village the income/earning tax would no longer be possibel they WERE TELLING THE TRUTH which is a lot more than this liars website does. And then you have the ignorance to say "Curiously, the very issue that caused the proponents’ emotional knee-jerk reaction to dissolve Amelia simply no longer exists" You have to know this is a lie! Nobody is that stupid! The threat will always exist as long as there is a Village and YOU KNOW IT and still you publish it!!! That's another very sad thing! Lastly I believe you to be a coward. You are still going with the unidentified. Number of petitioners, some proponents! That proves NOTHING! You don't want to say for two reasons. You don't have any names because there are no identifiable petitioners or proponents! You would have to make up these names and I for one would be able to put my grand children through college with the proceeds of my law suit. Anyone who does not like the lies just has to show up on May 5th and vote yes on Issue one to make you crawl back under the rock you came from! __________________ |