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Behavior typical of the Ellington and the Village Administration. This information was taken from WHY IS ISSUE ONE ON THE BALLOT so if you want to view it just click this line but please come back for the truth. If you have the right setup you can just minimize it so that you can refer to it as you read the truth. "Last year, Village Council faced a serious fiscal dilemma in large part due to the Ohio Department of Transportation’s (ODOT) mandate of Amelia’s share of Main Street improvements that would have cost Amelia taxpayers as much as $3 million to $5 million. ODOT was involved in Amelia because of a saftey study not an improvements issue. There were quite a number accidents in Amelia and that number was higher than the State allows. This suprises no one who lives on Main Street because we have no traffic control what so ever. The Amelia Police Department does not do an adequate job of controlling the race track in downtown Amelia and the fact that yhey only issued 30 citations a year, THAT IS IN A YEAR, for the three lights in Amelia, not each but all, is a joke! Speed and red lights! My opinion is and has been for a long time that the reason for all the accidents in the first place is no traffic control on Main St.! Anyhow it was a saftey study not an improvements issue. Click here to view and notice that the subject is A Saftey Study not a mandate! Click here to look at some mandate proof. Pay special attention to the date and to the fact that its was still a study. Notice as of July 7th it was still a study. IT NEVER WAS A MANDATE, NEVER!!! If it would have been mandated it would be in the information that ODOT sent! It wasn't! And then there is the cost. WHAT A HUGE LIE! ODOT mandated us to make improvements! WHAT A HUGE LIE! Click here to look at the cost according to ODOT. Did you even see 3 million let alone 5 million! The highest ODOT cost is $2,372,414. The preferred alternative from ODOT was #4 and it was $2,315,087. Now there are a few things that I would like to point out. The road improvements are the Village's idea and had nothing to do with a mandate from ODOT! NOTHING! ODOT would have nothing to do with Amelia's improvements and even declined to have at least some of them considered at all in the study such as the building of North Kline Street! To say ODOT mandated these improvements is a flat out, bald faced, dishonorable, stinking lie. There are no other words to describe it! NONE! What you need to do is first look at what the capital improvements plan is going to cost. Just click here to see that one. The cost of the road improvements is $2,875,000 and is seen on the second half Phase 1, 2 and 3. That has nothing to do with ODOT nor is it mandated by ODOT! If you examine the whole of that budget it come to adding a debt of $9,185,400.00. on the backs of Amelians and since they keep stammering about the debt and the shortfall what exactly do they think this is going to do!!! I gotta go. This is just one small paragraph of lies at the beginning of a gold mine of them and I'm just getting started! I'll just say this. The liars on this website are getting this information from somewhere. At least part of it. It is obvious that some of it is just dreamed up and spewed forth for political reasons. But I suspect that this page came from the Village Administration because they talk about ODOT and things that are normally kept quiet by the Adninistration because they would be too embarresing for them to have to account for. So I charge the Village with the lies that are on this website as well. They have not made them change or retract them and they know they are lies. THE ADMINISTRATION KNOWS THESE ARE LIES AND THEY LET THEM GET AWAY WITH IT! They all need to go! Vote yes on Issue 1 and lies like this will vanish overnight! __________________ |