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Behavior typical of the Ellington and the Village Administration. This information was taken from WHY IS ISSUE ONE ON THE BALLOT so if you want to view it just click this line but please come back for the truth. If you have the right setup you can just minimize it so that you can refer to it as you read the truth. "Hostile village dissolution attempts of this nature are extremely rare in Ohio due to the potential adverse affects to the village residents that far outweigh the benefits, if any. Because dissolutions are extremely rare there is a minimal Ohio law that addresses this issue. Therefore, most questions cannot be answered in simple, concise, 30-second sound-bites, making full comprehension of the negative consequences of dissolution all the more confusing – and ripe for misrepresentation. For proponents of Issue One, the complicated nature of dissolving a village makes it easy for them to confuse voters. They have diverted attention from the adverse affects a dissolution would have on Amelia residents. Instead they use the intimidation tactic of striking fear by misleading voters to believe that Issue One is ultimately a measure to defeat a tax increase, when in fact, taxes are no longer the underlying issue. Regardless of proponents’ original intention, the somber threat of dissolution remains and is now in the hands of the voters. As a result, it is crucial that all Amelia residents fully understand the potential short-term and long-term devastating consequences should Amelia be dissolved. Please review all the topic buttons on the right side of this page so that you may become an informed voter regarding the very real and potential consequences should the Village of Amelia be dissolved." The above is what the says. NOW READ THE NEXT EMAILS FROM YOUR STATE REPRESENTATIVE!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() First of all if this is a "hostile village dissolution" the only ones that are hostile are those in favor of trying to keep Amelia not the dissolve Amelia side. I have never been around anyone from dissolve Amelia that has illustrated any form of hostility towards any of the Administration in public! NONE! Does that mean there hasn't been? Nope! It is my opinion for what it is worth. I never once heard anyone on the dissolve side threateningly confront anyone on the Administration side and call the a bunch or asses as did one of their Police Officers during the last so-called Town Hall Meeting" I have never seen anyone "storm" up to one of the Administration scream at her to the point that she was in tears by the time she got to her car." I am sure when they say hostile they are referring to we that want to get rid of this kind of activity so that makes it a lie. Second how do they know that hostile defense by the opponents of dissolution is rare? Did they bother to find some rare ones? Without any proof it is just another lie! While it may be true that hostile defense of dissolution is rare dissolution is not. At least according to State Representation Uecker. They say "Because dissolutions are extremely rare....." Senator Uecker says something entirely different! Go back and read what he says! He says "dozens" and he is correct" Not only is he correct in Ohio but all the states that allow Villages have had a lot of dissolutions. I had an article covering this but took out the link because the person who this was directed retired for the fight and I no longer wished to hurt him! DOZENS! And it is becoming a trend not just in the United States but all over the world! It is so easy to steal money from a village because the is no accountability. I'm am not implying that anyone in the current Administration is a thief only that since the State Auditor's report for 2005-2006 is still not available to us and in four years a lot can be stolen. Just google around for a while and look for stealing in villages and similar search criteria and see for yourself!!! So who you going to believe? A proven pack of liars or your State Representative? The second paragraph is simply ridiculous! Implying that we threatened anyone about anything is stupid. The scare tactics do exist in this confrontation but the were and still are in the ownership of the website and the Village Administration. Just go back to where I started after the August 11th, 2008 threat letter and read it again!!! They must be talking about themselves. Oh no they couldn't be! That would mean they are telling the truth and we know that would be a lie! To call the ORC laws as minimal could be considered a lie but I prefer to think of it as ignorance which they display quite often on It happens to be one of the most powerful laws when trying to rid one's self of a Village that needs dissolution! Was the Gettysburg Address minimal because it was short! You bet it wasn't! How the golden rule! It's only one sentence. Is it minimal? Not to me! How about the pledge of Allegiance! Is it minimal! NO! Maybe the use of the adjective concerning the ORC is a lie! Maybe it is both! Maybe it's an ignorant lie! To say "Instead they use the intimidation tactic of striking fear by misleading voters to believe that Issue One is ultimately a measure to defeat a tax increase, when in fact, taxes are no longer the underlying issue." Let's take the biggest lie first. "Taxes are no longer the underlying issue." That makes this not a "minimal" lie but a huge lie. If you had read some of the other "Lies" articles you can see where they council passed some kind of ordinance taking the income tax off the table and that catagorically means that the tax issue is no longer a threat! You know what categorically means? It means "ABSOLUTE, UNQUALIFIED". These people are simply illiterate or are liars since there is nothing ABSOLUTE OR UNQUALIFIED about the income tax not being a possibility unless there is not Village to impose it! The council can turn around tomorrow and impose it in the blink of an eye! THEIR STATEMENT IS A HUGE LIE!!! And what adverse affects are they talking about? Once again they refuse to tell you anything! And they have the gall to accuse us of using scare tactics when in fact this whole paragraph is a scare tactic and THEY USE THEIR SCARE TACTICS THEMSELVES IN A LIE NO LESS! Not only this paragraph but the whole of is nothing but a tactic to scare you into not believing the truth!!! I'm sorry I have to cut this a little short on the very last paragraph because I have other important articles to write and I think if you have read what is made of you not only will vote to get rid of this administration and this inept form of government you will also send back to where it came from! The thing I hope you will do is exactly what they asked you to do. Review all the Topic Buttons on the right. Review the whole website. The link to the liars page where this came from is in the first paragraph of this article as well as all the other Lies articles. I WANT YOU TO GO! Then come back to this site and find the truth! If you have any questions send me a feedback. Every page on my website has the ability to send me what ever you want! If I don't know the answers to your questions I will tell you so and then I will try to find the answer for you! WITH PROOF!!! There is nothing to be scared about over here unless you are afraid of the truth! __________________ |