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Update - 04/30/2009 The keep Amelia children were giving out flyers and John Wolf, who is in favor of dissolution, had a flyer that he brought himself and was passing it out to anyone interested. When the Ellington performance part of the forum was over we went to Q&A. When Mr. Hurley defined the format of the Q&A he described it like the following: 1 - Each person had one minute to ask the question 2 - There should be no speeches just get to the question 3 - He would have no trouble at all cutting anyone off 4 - The question should be directed to the representatives that the person submitting the question wanted to have answer the question. The pretty much describes the rules. The folks who had the questions were to line up on his left side where most of the opposition was sitting so the first part of the line was filled with the yellow shirts. I thought it would have been more fair to have two lines with the proponents on each side of the argument in the same line. They would take turns so both sides would get equal opportunities. I guess equal opportunities is not what it was all about. The first in line to ask questions was Mitchell. He held the flyer that John Wolf had brought in over his head and yelled over something like "is this yours?" I thought he was directing his questions to the dissolve reps as he was supposed to do and I think everyone else did also because nobody answered him. He yelled it a little louder shaking the flyer over his head and this time someone yelled back "yes". Mitchel then crumpled it up and threw it back over his head on the floor! I don't know were we get people of this character but it just goes to show you how sick these Village governments can be! Then someone yelled at him to pick of his trash because he left it on the floor and of course he yelled back at the group "it's your trash, you pick it up." THIS IS ONE OF YOUR COUNCIL MEMBERS! Some child like arrogant individual who doesn't care to follow the rules who only wants to show off his ability to insult everyone attending! And what is even more sickening is he had to have planned this out ahead of time! Just like most of the Administration our rules don't apply to them! They are council members and are too important to have to follow the rules! How in the world did we get this kind of people here in the first place and who would actually vote for a person like Mitchel! What did Hurley do! Nothing! He should have told Mitchel to address the question to the right people. Since he didn't do that he should have sent Mitchel to the end of the line because he already had asked a question which had absolutely nothing to do with the forum! Hurley didn't! Instead he let Mitchel go ahead with another question! Now a number of people were confused over this because they did not consider "is this yours?" as a question that counted. I DID! At best Mr. Hurley should have stopped such behavior in the first place. I guess if your a council member you don't have to follow any rules! Hurley began the proccedings by saying he wouldn't allow personal attacks! What exactly was this repulsive act! It was a personal attack on every decent individual in the building! (CLICK HERE AND PLEASE READ UPDATE 04/30/2009) We should expect such behavior from Mitchel! After all this is the council member that was picked out of a picture lineup by the police last year when they were investigating him for a possible crime concerning the theft of petitions! Why don't you take the time to read about more of Mitchel's antics while you are here. Click and read The Mitchel Incident. It's been many months since I reported this to Ellington and he reported it to Solicitor Abrams and I never received a response! Typical of another Village cover-up wouldn't you say? Where was the Amelia Police Officer from last week when you need one. He could have approached Mitchel and said what he said to that group of ladies last week and instead of his adjective being just a nasty insult it would have been the truth! At last some truth! Please click and read "What Did You Think You Accomplished Here Tonight Besides Making An Ass Out Of Yourself?". Far more appropriate for Mitchel than the ladies don't you think! If any of your children behaved like Mitchel they would probably be grounded for a month! Well we need to take people like this, who are a disgrace to their Village, and tell them to take their baseball bat and go home because we would rather not play than to have to put up with the likes of them! Vote yes on issue one and you will never have to see Mitchel again! And the rest of them as well! Usually I just post these kinds of feedbacks in coward's corner, click here to view, and let it go as is. While I am going to post it in coward's corner where it does belong I am also going to post it here. This is the first one from the opposition's cowardly liars that I actually had to make an exception. Below is the sequence of the feedback and the followup emails. ![]() Attempt to verify who sent the feedback and if the email address is valid. This is done on every feedback. ![]() The response from the verification. ![]() As you can see from the name and email address that we do have a coward and a liar sending in trash. This cowardly liar does not care one bit for the truth or making a sincere attempt at getting me to change a mistake. The cowardly liar simply wanted to try and make me look bad but this never works. If the cowardly liar had left a name and email address I would have been more than happy to communicate with them as I did when Melita Ellington sent me a proper name and email address. Click here to read her feedbacks and my responses. I did nothing to hide what she said. I displayed her feedbacks exactly as they were sent to me. I agreed with some of what she said and I did pull the page that she was talking about. I AGREED WITH HER AND PULLED THE PAGE! I may has disagreed with Melita Ellington but she did it right and I responded as best as I could. That's exactly how decent people act! I also have nothing to hide about the cowardly liars feedback I posted it as well. You can all make up your own minds about the character of this individual yourselves. Now let me print the sequence of events that I saw and heard take place. Mitchel is standing in front of the microphone and looks to his right. He has a yellow piece of paper he is holding out in front of him a little above his head. I believe it to be the flyer that John Wolf brought in and handed out to those who wanted one. Mitchel then yells the question "is this yours?" and he is flapping the yellow piece of paper in the air. There is no response to his question so he yells it a little louder "is this yours?" He is still looking to the right and I can't tell who he is looking at other that to say it was not who he was supposed to be looking at which would have been the spokespersons for the Dissolve Amelia committee. This time someone, I don't know who, yells "yes"! Mitchel then, like a petulant child, holds the yellow piece of paper over his head, he crushes it, and drops it on the floor behind him! He then turns to the microphone and begins what should have been his second question but instead he begins to spew out some sort of diatribe until Mr. Hurley tells Mitchel to get to his question which would have been his second question as far as I'm concerned! After Mitchel finally gets his second question out he was then sent to the rear of the line. Now as to the allegations made by the cowardly liar. Let me take care of the easy one first. The reason that the cowardly liar could not hear Mitchel was that he wasn't speaking in the microphone! he had his head turned away from the microphone and was "yelling" his poison across the gym at the people to his right! There is no doubt about that one what so ever! HE WAS YELLING! Lots of people heard him, not just me! So if you couldn't hear him insulting everyone it's not my fault. That part of the article stands. As to the allegation that I lied about Mr. Hurley not sending Mitchel to the end of the line after he improperly asked his first question I do have some doubt but not about what happened but how I wrote the paragraph. I actually am sure that Mr. Hurley allowed Mitchel to continue with another question. You see I counted Mitchel's first question as "is this your flyer?". Without a doubt it is a question and since I know he continued on into the microphone with something but I couldn't tell what it was because instead of paying attention to what he was saying I was leaned over looking at what happened to the flyer. What I saw was Molly Parker bent over duck walking up to the flyer and she picked it up while Mitchel was still talking this time in the micro phone. I have no idea what he was saying but I do know he was still talking after he made the smart-alecky statement "pick it up yourself, it's your trash". And I know he continued at the microphone after he said that! So I believe that the cowardly liar did not count Mitchel's first question as a question at all and what Mitchel continued with was the question he should have asked in the first place. That would be Mitchel's second question! I did not think people were allowed more than one at a time! I have asked a number of people who attended the meeting about both the yelling and the second question. All my responses have been yes responses the yelling. As far as the first and second questions I received one response that said I was exactly correct in my time line. I received a number of responses that did not count the "is this yours" as his first question but did say he asked a question other than "is this yours?" So all the responses support what I tried to say in the paragraph I wrote. In the mean time I have included in the paragraph that I wrote about Mr. Hurley a footnote to read this update and it is bold letters. Now this is what I wrote originally: What did Hurley do! Nothing! He should have told Mitchel to address the question to the right people. Since he didn't do that he should have sent Mitchel to the end of the line because he already had asked a question which had absolutely nothing to do with the forum! Hurley didn't! Instead he let Mitchel go ahead with another question! I guess if your a council member you don't have to follow any rules! Hurley began the proceedings by saying he wouldn't allow personal attacks! What exactly was this repulsive act! It was a personal attack on every decent individual in the building! You can see how I modified it when you go back to it. So, yes, evidently a lot of folks on both sides did not understand what I was trying to say. That does not mean I lied by a long shot. I hope that the new paragraph will be clear about what I was trying to tell everyone. But the paragraph and modified article stand! __________________ |